(a)  Provide for residents, stakeholders and partners, visible political leadership in relation to the opposition group’s views on the design, preparation and implementation of the Council’s policies, strategies, budgets and service delivery.


(b)  Lead the opposition group in endeavouring to ensure that the Council works in the best interests of the local community.


(c)  Act as the group’s spokesperson on:-


·         The development of local, regional, national and European policy and strategic partnerships.

·         Development and implementation of the Council’s principal policies and plans.

·         The Council’s political and management structures.

·         Development of the local economy.


(d)  Maintain effective working relationships between Members of the opposition group and the Chief Executive, Chief Officers and all employees of the Council.




(a)  Work with the controlling group and other opposition groups to ensure that the Council’s duties and responsibilities can be carried out.


(b)  Act as a focus for political opposition to the controlling group on behalf of the relevant group.


(c)  Act as the group’s lead spokesperson on proposals for developing strategic partnerships with residents, other Local Authorities, statutory and non-statutory organisations, the Government and its agencies and other stakeholders in relation to the development and implementation of strategic objectives and policies and delivery of services.


(d)  To have overall political responsibility for the particular group’s views on:-


·         Strategic policy innovations.

·         Design, preparation, implementation and monitoring of the Council’s principal policies and plans.

·         Strategic financial management including the revenue and capital budgets and financial monitoring.

·         Communications with Councillors, employees, residents, stakeholders and all other external organisations.

·         Setting the Council’s business strategy to achieve best value.

·         Implementation of new political and management structures to meet any legislative duties placed upon the Council to ensure open and accountable decision-making and effective delivery of services.

·         Development of arrangements to facilitate community consultation and involvement in the Council’s decision-making processes.

·         Human resource planning, with particular reference to ensuring maintenance of good employee relations, employee training and development policies and implementing systems for performance appraisal of all employees.

·         To be responsible for nominating Members of the group to serve on Committees, Panels, Sub-Committees and outside bodies for consideration by Council.

·         To lead the group' dealings with the media.